Index January 2015

2015-01-05: Un revenu de base inconditionnel pour chaque personne;
2015-01-06: Pierre Jovanovic et son nouveau livre;
2015-01-07: Harald Lesch für eine schlaflose Nacht;
2015-01-09: Nightmare in dreamland: Housemaides in Dubai;
2015-01-19: Gold, Snowden, EU/Euro-Amerika-Russland;
2015-01-31: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, JANUARY 1-31, 2015.

Dear visitors, I am closing now this last blog running under From now on all articles will be published only on Politics for the 99%. Thanks for your interest and have a fine day – Heidi.


Click on the picture for greather size.

Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, JANUARY 1-31, 2015

… is now on the blog Politics for the 99%.

Gold, Snowden, EU/Euro-Amerika-Russland

auf YouTube hochgeladen: Continue Reading…

2015-01-09: Nightmare in dreamland: Housemaides in Dubai

Housemaides in Dubai, 4.51 min, uploaded by eteteverein, Jan 25, 2011.
RELATED: 80p rog tchadors à Genève
Watch the girl at left, must be some domestic underdog, how she is excluded from the group … even with nothing to drink during a hot day … (remember the story with Kaddhafi’s domestics here in Geneva) … photo taken during the annual Geneva’s Summer Festivities.

Harald Lesch für eine schlaflose Nacht

Lange Nacht mit Harald Lesch: wie das Licht in die Welt kam, 150.01 min, von electronicinfection am 10. Dezember 2013 auf YouTube hochgeladen … viel Vergnügen.

Pierre Jovanovic et son nouveau livre

Interview avec Pierre Jovanovic à propos de son dernier livre 666, 62.45 min, mise en ligne par Cercle des Volontaires, le 16 novembre 2014:   Continue Reading…

Un revenu de base inconditionnel pour chaque personne

… est-il souhaitable? Est-il possible? – Publié dans Hérault Tribune, par Robert Clavijo, 1er janvier 2015: Tel sera le sujet du café citoyen de Beziers, mercredi 07 janvier à 18 h 30 dans la péniche bistrot Le Capaharnarhum amarrée au pont de Sauclières. Renseignement tél: FRANCE – 04 67 76 28 56.

Index October – December 2014

2014-10-05: Vera F. Birkenbihl;
2014-10-31: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base, OCTOBER 1-31, 2014.
2014-11-09: Der globale Konzern-Faschismus TTIP;
2014-11-12: Brief vom Welt-Tyrannen;
2014-11-13: Kongress “Magie des Wandels”;
2014-11-28: VIDEOS on Basic Income Guarantee BIG;
2014-11-30: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, NOVEMBER 1-30, 2014;
2014-12-01: Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen;
2014-12-03: Opt Out Everywhere: Why the Standardized Testing Movement Is Expecting a Full-On Revolt;
2014-12-06: Philosopy for (and with) Children;
2014-12-06: stupid … I cannot let these questions;
2014-12-10: Nightmare in dreamland – Video: Housemaides in Dubai;
2014-12-31: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, DECEMBER 1-31, 2014.
See also: all articles sorted chronologicallysecond page – all articles sorted chronologically – 2012 ff …;

Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, DECEMBER 1-31, 2014

Articles published during December 2014: Continue Reading…

Nightmare in dreamland – Video: Housemaides in Dubai

Housemaides in Dubai, 4.51 min, uploaded by eteteverein, Jan 25, 2011.
RELATED: 80p rog tchadors à Genève
Watch the girl at left, must be some domestic underdog, how she is excluded from the group … even with nothing to drink during a hot day … (remember the story with Kaddhafi’s domestics here in Geneva) … photo taken during the annual Geneva’s Summer Festivities.

stupid … I cannot let these questions

Banks receive some people’s savings and pay them a very small interest. Then banks lend this money to clients and ask some more interest. But, the bank lends only 10% to 2% of the savers money, the rest, 90%-98% will be virtual money -  means created out of nothing, means: THE BANK DOES NOT POSSESS IT.


I guess we cannot explain it, we just repeat the same eternal stupidity, as we are forbidden to see the emperor without its clothes.

And more: IF the banks have NO DEPOSIT for this virtual money, why should we pay it back to them? Why not put it (the 90%-98%) into a common account (a big pot) to pay with this money all public needs, developments, researches, scools, medical needs, even free houses, transports … ?

What makes us unable to think in this way? Are we so much submitted that – in economics – we all live with a kind of Economic Stockholm Syndrome? What the hell is happening …

I guess, aristocrats, who invented in some dark middle ages this banking system, strongly filled up our brains with their rules. Rules then out of a feodal believe system. A system submitting us (the 99,99%) automatically (to them). Thus, today we are unable to leave the system … to let go the known … leave it for the unknown.

Like in the Stockholm Syndrome

Look, guys, IF we could become able to force our govs to STOP all the running stupidities … my god …

we just have to accept it ourselves, and force them


Philosopy for (and with) Children

The Origine in Canada:

Opt Out Everywhere: Why the Standardized Testing Movement Is Expecting a Full-On Revolt

Published on AlterNet /Education, by Owen Davis, Nov 25, 2014:

Gainesville kindergarten teacher Susan Bowles doesn’t quite fit the mold of a rabble-rouser. “I’m such a rule-following, non-activist type,” she tells me.   Continue Reading…

Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen

Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, NOVEMBER 1-30, 2014

Articles published during November 2014: Continue Reading…

videos on Basic Income Guarantee BIG

Basic Income – why does everyone have to work? 7.49 min, uploaded by Michael Molli, June 2, 2013 … and many other videos in autoplay.

Link: all BIG news on this blog for November 2014.

Kongress “Magie des Wandels”

am 21. September 2013 in Amriswil bei Zürich, von Quer-Denken.TV im Frühjahr 2014 hochgeladen:

Brief vom Welt-Tyrannen

gefunden in Transformation, 9. November 2014.

Mein Kommentar dazu:     Continue Reading…

Der globale Konzern-Faschismus TTIP

über das Transatlantic Free Trade Agreemen TTIP, 75.02 min, von aussteigermarkt am 25. April 2014 hochgeladen: TTIP = Genmais, Chlorhühner, Hormonfleisch, Schein-Demokratie. Die Ausbeutung von Mensch, Natur und Nationen …

Websites:   Continue Reading…

Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base, OCTOBER 1-31, 2014

Articles published during October 2014 – to be continued:     Continue Reading…

Vera F. Birkenbihl

Index July – September 2014

2014-07-02: Men’s Chorus;
2014-07-05: What do terrorists want?
2014-07-07: the Banking System and we – das Bankensystem und wir;
2014-07-09: An interview with an ex-Navy Seal;
2014-07-09: will work for free …;
2014-07-10: Asian Papaya Salads … and usefull Infos;
2014-07-16: Saudi Women;
2014-07-18: Basic Income Grant BIG / Revenu de Base garanti – June 24-30, 2014;
2014-07-22: Declassified Documents Reflect the Covert Side of Lunar Programs;
2014-07-29: In Geneva, another pro-Palestine protest – in the mainstream media, silence;
2014-07-31: about Basic Income Grant BIG – July 1-31, 2014.
2014-08-07: Global Human Rights Education Community of Practice;
2014-08-16: Rassemblement de soutien aux chrétiens et Yazidis d’Irak;
2014-08-18: Economics, Ethics, Development, Globalization, Poverty;
2014-08-23: Video: der große Deal;
2014-08-31: Basic Income – Revenu de Base – August 1-31, 2014;
2014-09-02: Greece and it’s Oil;
2014-09-04: ISIS The Start of World War III?
2014-09-08: World War;
2014-09-19: Capitalism IS the Crisis;
2014-09-21: … was so läuft …;
2014-09-27: Les Avanchets – commune de Vernier/Genève;
2014-09-29: Mein Ende gehört mir – Sterbehilfe-Kongress am 10. und 11. Oktober in Berlin;
2014-09-30: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base, September 1-30, 2014;
See also:

Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base, September 1-30, 2014

Articles published during September 2014: … Continue Reading…

Mein Ende gehört mir – Sterbehilfe-Kongress am 10. und 11. Oktober in Berlin

im Newsletter – und auf der Webseite der Giordano Bruno Stiftung, September 2014.

Am Samstag, dem 11. Oktober 2014, findet an der TU Berlin der Kongress „Mein Ende gehört mir!“ statt, der sich dem heiß diskutierten Thema „Sterbehilfe“ widmet. Bereits am Freitagabend, dem 10. Oktober, zeigt das „Bündnis für Selbstbestimmung bis zum Lebensende“, dem auch die Giordano-Bruno-Stiftung angehört, die eindrucksvolle Filmdokumentation „Notausgang“ – „ein Film, den jeder gesehen haben sollte, der sich eine eigene Meinung zur Frage des selbstbestimmten Sterbens bilden möchte“, so gbs-Vorstandssprecher Michael Schmidt-Salomon … // Continue Reading…

Les Avanchets – commune de Vernier/Genève

  • c’est là que je vis très bien depuis 11 ans – et aucun envie de quitter cet’endroit pour moi intéressant et pacifique …
  • here I live since 11 years – and no desire to leave this to me interesting and peaceful place …
  • hier wohne ich seit 11 Jahren – und kein Verlangen, diesen für mich interessanten und friedlichen Ort zu verlassen …

Continue Reading…